Anime Sky Stream Package

Thanks for purchasing Anime Sky Stream Package!

Here are some basic instructions on how to set everything up.

Quick Installs

Streamlabs .OVERLAY

  1. Launch Streamlabs OBS and go to "Settings"
  2. Press the "Import Overlay File" button under the "Scene Collections" tab
  3. Locate and click the .overlay file in "2. Quick Install\Streamlabs"
  4. Woo-hoo! Everything is set up in your Scene Collection

OBS Studio .JSON

  1. Extract the main folder of your downloaded stream package to the C:\ drive
  2. Launch OBS Studio
  3. Open the "Scene Collection" tab and press "Import"
  4. Press the "Add" button and navigate to "\2. Quick Install\OBS Studio\"
  5. Locate and double-click the Anime_Sky_Animated.json file from the folder 
  6. Press "Import"
  7. Switch to your imported scene in the "Scene Collection" tab
  8. Congratulations! Your Package is ready to use


Streamlabs Quick Install

  1. Log in to your Streamlabs account
  2. Open the "Quick Installs" folder in the downloaded archive
  3. Open the "Streamlabs" folder
  4. Double-click the Anime Sky Alert - Streamlabs.URL file 
  5. Victory! Streamlabs will let you know that your alert is successfully imported

StreamElements Quick Install

  1. Log in to your StreamElements account
  2. Open the "Quick Installs" folder in the downloaded archive
  3. Open the "Streamelements" folder
  4. Double-click the .URL file that corresponds to the platform of your choice 
  5. Success! StreamElements will let you know that your alert is successfully imported

Adding Alert to Streamlabs OBS

  1. Install your alert via the Anime SkyAlert - Streamlabs.URL file
  2. Open Streamlabs OBS
  3. Press + button in the sources section
  4. Select "Alertbox" in the pop-up menu
  5. Give it a name and press "Add Source"
  6. Press "Done"

Adding Alert to OBS Studio

  1. Install your alert via the corresponding .URL file
  2. Copy the alert's URL from your streaming platform (Streamlabs or StreamElements)
  3. Open OBS Studio
  4. Press + button in the sources section
  5. Select “Browser” in the pop-up menu
  6. Give it a name and press "OK"
  7. Paste your alert's URL in the corresponding field
  8. For Streamlabs Alerts set Width to 800 and Height to 600; For Streamelements Alerts set Width to 1920 and Height to 1080
  9. Press "OK"

Stinger Transition

Our Stinger Transitions come preconfigured with Quick Install .overlay and .json files but in case you want to use it outside of the downloaded pack here's a little guide covering all the steps needed to set it up

Streamlabs OBS

  1. Press the gear icon in the upper-right corner of your scene
  2. Press the "Add Transition" button
  3. Give your transition a name in the "Name" field
  4. Press the "Type" field and choose "Stinger"
  5. Press on the "Video File" field
  6. Browse to "\3. Individual Files\Other\Anime_Sky_transition.webm" and press "Open"
  7. Choose "Time (milliseconds)" in the "Transition Point Type" field
  8. Set your transition point in the corresponding fieldPlease note that all of our stinger transitions have a transition point set at 1000ms, but it can be different if you're adding your own transition so don't forget to configure it accordingly.
  9. Configure audio settings if your transition has it and press the "Done" button("Monitor and Output" setting allows both you and your stream viewers to hear the sound)
  10. Your stinger will appear in the general list of transitions. Activate it by pressing the circle on the left side and press "Done"
  11. Success! Your stinger transition is set up

OBS Studio

  1. Press the + button under the "Scene Transitions" bar
  2. Choose "Stinger" and give your transition a name
  3. Press on the "Video File" field
  4. Browse to "\3. Individual Files\Other\Anime_Sky_transition.webm" and press "Open"
  5. Choose "Time (milliseconds)" in the "Transition Point Type" field
  6. Set your transition point in the corresponding fieldPlease note that all of our stinger transitions have a transition point set at 1000ms, but it can be different if you're adding your own transition so don't forget to configure it accordingly.
  7. Configure audio settings if your transition has it and press the "OK" button("Monitor and Output" setting allows both you and your stream viewers to hear the sound)
  8. Awesome! Your stinger transition is ready to use

Additional Info


Blue: #20278F

Light Blue: #6B9BFA

Dark Blue: #171368

Pink: #F17FC1

White: #FFF6FC



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