Refund Policy

Since your purchase is a digital product, it is deemed “used” after download or opening, and all purchases made on KUDOS.TV are non-refundable or exchangeable.
Since the products made available here are intangible, there is a strict no refund policy. The onus is on you, as a consumer, to make responsible decisions about the purchases you make online.
There is generally no obligation to provide a refund in situations like the following:
  • You have changed your mind about a digital  product
  • You bought a digital  product by mistake
  • You don't want a digital  product after  you've downloaded it
  • You do not have sufficient expertise to use the digital product
  • The digital  product did  not meet your expectations
  • You ask for goodwill
  • You can no longer access the item because it has been removed (we advise you to download  items as soon as you buy them to avoid this situation)